Tallangatta to Cudgewa


Tallangatta to Old Tallangatta and Beyond


Tallangatta to Old Tallagatta

The 8km section between Tallangatta and the Mitta Mitta River is sealed. An easy and picturesque ride.

Old Tallangatta to Shelley – the highest railway station in Victoria

This 33km section of rugged terrain leading to the foothills of the Kosciuszko ranges which is still under reconstruction, offers spectacular views and includes historic trestle bridges (a number of which have still to be made safe for users).

The Tallangatta Advisory Group has established an annual event in October aptly called the ‘Tallangatta Tall Trestle Treadle’ (Sunday 20th Oct, 2013), enabling riders of all ages and abilities to access this spectacular and historic section of the trail. The ride commences with a bus trip from Tallangatta to Corryong from where participants commence their return journey downhill, back to Tallangatta again. The trip includes delightful country morning and afternoon teas and a lunch break at the quaint Koetong Pub. The event, which has its own web-site, is a must for all who own or can access an off-road mountain or hybrid bike.