About Us

Today the development of the High Country Rail Trail is fundamentally driven by Parklands Albury-Wodonga in partnership with three community groups.

Following the submission of an Expression of Interest to develop the High Country Rail Trail by Parklands Albury-Wodonga to the Victorian State Government in 1993, a Bandiana-Cudgewa Rail Trail Concept and Management Plan was prepared in November 1996. In 1998 Parklands Albury Wodonga requested to be appointed as Committee of Management for the Wodonga-Sandy Creek Section of the trail.

Who is Parklands Albury-Wodonga?

Parklands is a cross border, non profit community organization that has been working in close partnership with local community Advisory Groups since the late 1990’s to develop the High Country Rail Trail. Between 2000 and 2006 more than 865 volunteers had contributed in excess of 37,239 volunteer hours in developing, managing and marketing this trail.

The local community Advisory Groups.

While parklands is the official land manager, it is through the substantial efforts of these “weekend warriors” that our rail trail is open and accessible to all today.  The success and sustainability of the rail trail project in the longer term is dependent on the continued involvement and sense of ownership of community groups such as these.

The Bonegilla Advisory Group (BAG).

In June 2000, interested community members formed the Wodonga-Cudgewa Rail Trail Committee Inc. to develop and manage Wodonga to Huon (Sandy Creek Inlet) section. Since June 2000 monthly general meetings have continued to be held at the Bonegilla Community Hall at 7.30pm on the 1st Monday of each month and working bee’s on the 1st Saturday of most months.

The Tallangatta Advisory Group (TAG)

In May 2002, interested community members incorporated to develop and manage the Sandy Creek to Old Tallangatta section. Since May 2002 monthly general meetings have continued to be held at the Tallangatta Goods Shed at 7.30pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month and working bee’s on the 2nd Sunday of most months.

Koetong-Shelley Development Association.

This group has been informally managing the undeveloped Boggy Creek-Koetong-Shelley section for many years. A big project to restore the historic trestle bridges to its former glory along this section was begun in June 2013.

Whilst various community groups participate in working bees and other projects, involvement from more community groups is always welcome. If you know of friends, work colleagues or a club looking to become involved in a community project, tell them to hop aboard as there is always room for volunteers on any of our railtrail groups.